Tutoring Details
Below are some key details regarding lessons with Patrick Ryan Maths Tutoring, covering areas such as pricing, lesson arrangements as well as tutoring methods and mindset
Lessons are conducted at an hourly rate, which is currently $95 per hour (inclusive of GST).
Lesson Arrangements
Lessons are typically one hour in duration and are carried out on a weekly basis at a scheduled time slot.
Lessons are carried out either in our office, in the comfort of your own home or online.
Tutoring Methods and Mindset
Tutoring sessions are tailored to each student’s needs, but generally include tutoring methods such as explanations, examples, Q and A, problem-solving, practical exercises, quizzes, additional homework, homework review, study timetabling and mentoring. Tutoring is conducted with a growth-mindset attitude, which focuses on student effort and improvement, rather than innate ability.