Patrick Ryan Maths Tutoring exists to empower and add value to the students of the Central Coast. Below is a bit more about us.
About the Business
Patrick Ryan Maths Tutoring was established in 2006. Since that time, the business has served over 270 clients and conducted over 5900 lessons!
About Patrick
Patrick has been tutoring since 2006 and has done all of the tutoring (over 5900 hours) for the business. Patrick holds two maths-intensive degrees and one diploma, as follows:
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (First Class Honours) (UTS)
Bachelor of Business (Accounting) (UTS)
Diploma of Engineering Practice (UTS)
He also studied Extension Two (“4 Unit”) Mathematics and Extension One Mathematics at St. Edwards College, Gosford, where he placed 3rd and 1st in his graduating class, respectively.
Vision and Mission
Our goal is to empower students of the Central Coast - to give students on the Central Coast the skills and confidence they need to excel in mathematics.